Duration: 10 weeks
Fees: $60 + HST per meeting
Location: Virtual via Zoom
A 10-week Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) skills group for 4-8 adults struggling with mild to moderate anxiety symptoms.
ACT focuses on 6 core processes that promote greater psychological flexibility, well-being, and self-compassion. The aim is to help you get "unstuck" from your anxious thoughts and feelings, be more present in your life, and do more of what matters to you!
Together, we will work on:
Identifying and getting some distance from anxious thoughts (remember: thoughts are thoughts, not facts).
Learning skills to make space for distressing thoughts, emotions and physical sensations instead of trying to prove/disprove or push away this discomfort (keeping in mind that often “what we resist persists” - Steven Hayes)
Connecting with the part of you that can take a step back and notice that you are not your thoughts - you are the observer of your thoughts!
Exploring practical strategies to help you reconnect with the present moment when you get stuck in thoughts that are related to the past or future - when we do this, we get back in touch with what is within our control: our actions.
Clarifying which of your personal values you either move toward or away from when you react to anxious thoughts and feelings and using this awareness to help you more consistently be who you want to be and do what you want to do.
This group will be run on a weekly basis for 10 weeks and we will meet virtually using Zoom.
My aim is to make therapy more accessible and affordable to more individuals - the cost per meeting is $60 + HST.
If this sounds good to you, please contact me by clicking below!